Intuitive User Interface

How long does it take to teach new employees how to operate your existing pharmacy software? Pharmacies using Liberty Software have found that new employees can often begin filling scripts immediately, with little to no training. It's just that simple. A well-designed pharmacy system should make your employees more productive and happier. When you do need help, it's only a phone call or mouse click away.


Intuitive User Interface

How long does it take to teach new employees how to operate your existing pharmacy software? Pharmacies using Liberty Software have found that new employees can often begin filling scripts immediately, with little to no training. It's just that simple. A well-designed pharmacy system should make your employees more productive and happier. When you do need help, it's only a phone call or mouse click away.


Intuitive User Interface

How long does it take to teach new employees how to operate your existing pharmacy software? Pharmacies using Liberty Software have found that new employees can often begin filling scripts immediately, with little to no training. It's just that simple. A well-designed pharmacy system should make your employees more productive and happier. When you do need help, it's only a phone call or mouse click away.


Serving over 100+ retail and community pharmacies

Workflow to Fit Your Pharmacy

Liberty's workflow has customizable workflow stages and auto-routing rules to allow you to design your own workflow to fit your pharmacy needs.

Five Star Dashboard

Liberty helps you be proactive about your five star rating. Our five star dashboard, built right into the software, calculates your numbers and helps you identify problem patients.

Text and Email Patient Alerts

Automatically text and email your patients refill reminders, prescription ready alerts, and prescription waiting messages. Improve your pharmacy's customer service automatically.

Take Charge of Refills

Liberty has a number of tools to be proactive with your patients' refills including Auto Refills and Refill Management. Plus, patients' adherence numbers are displayed graphically for quick reference.